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Have you ever watched your child carefully when they do their homework? Does it rock with the chair? Does it sit at the very front of the edge of the dining room chair? Or does it constantly get up in between? Whatever you observe could provide you with valuable information about what learning environment your child needs. Instead of admonishing it, you could also ask it how it would actually like to sit.

Children need movement also in the "learning everyday life
Children need movement also in the “learning everyday life

Which seating furniture suits my child?

Children often intuitively feel what they need. So if your child moves around a lot while learning, it could also be because he or she knows in his or her gut that sitting in motion increases brain activity, such as a study by the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz proves. So why not simply incorporate movement into everyday learning? With movable seating furniture such as balance stools, this is quite easy. Movement happens here quite incidentally. The children balance their inner urge to move in a completely natural way by gently correcting their posture again and again. This not only strengthens the back muscles, but also promotes blood circulation throughout the body – including the brain, of course. This in turn helps not only with the multiplication tables, but also with algebra, poem interpretation, discussion & Co.

Intermittent change of seating position is important
A regular change of the sitting position is important

Coordination, balance and concentration

Regular exercise increases attention and also strengthens the ability to concentrate. But creativity also benefits from so much active body awareness. Because if movement is not forbidden, but actively built into the process, more capacity is available for other processes. The right and left hemispheres of the brain can thus work together better, which in turn also strengthens coordination and promotes a strong sense of balance.

Findings of the Moving School for the home

Since 1995, we have been in close contact with educators who confirm exactly these findings time and again. The “Bewegte Schule initiative repeatedly demonstrates in various projects how intensively movement is coupled with learning success and well-being. After all, joy in learning doesn’t just happen in the mind. The entire body is involved in this process. We can help our children retain this joy by providing the best possible learning environment, including at home. Even if your child already has the optimal furniture at his disposal, make sure that he always gets up in between. After all, no sitting position is ideal for keeping it up for several hours. Our body is simply not designed for this. We need change and we need it from an early age.

Our recommendation

Create an optimal learning environment for your child with high-quality furniture. Height-adjustable seating and desks grow with the child and can be used into adulthood.

Movement happens along the way. This increases brain activity.
Movement happens along the way. This increases brain activity.

Thanks to washable seat covers in various designs, even the colors can always be chosen individually. Movement stools also take up little space, are maneuverable and can also be used at the dining table or in the kitchen.

The following questions might be helpful in choosing the right equipment:

  • Does the seat height fit the body size?
  • Is the table height comfortable and coordinated with the seating furniture?
  • Is the neck relaxed?
  • Are your feet securely planted on the floor?
  • Is there sufficient freedom of movement?
  • Is there sufficient storage space for books?

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