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Ergopult reading and writing desk from Thaler


Writing and reading rest

Versatile as a template holder, reading and writing desk or notebook holder. Provides relief for your spine and consequently a healthier posture. Bring order to the computer workstation through the Ergopult. Keep books, documents or templates in view and work easily and healthily on your PC.

Enables faster and more efficient work
S pace for storing a keyboard
Reduces neck and eye strain
Prevents neck pain and headaches

Included free of charge:
+ 1 piece of reading ruler
+ 6 template holding rubber
+ Relieves the spine and provides a healthier posture.
+ ErgoPult – in the latest screen regulation – AUVA M026


Acrylic Ergopult document rest

Made by ErgoConsole

The reading/writing desk optimally complements the computer workstation

The sophisticated appealing shape with all angles, slopes, holes and openings, complies with the latest ergonomic knowledge. The bottom line of the screen is just above the ErgoPanel, the distance of the screen virtually results by itself.
It is especially easy on the eyes, back and neck.

1 piece of reading ruler to protect the eyes and 6 template holding rubbers per ErgoPult are included free of charge.

Dimensions: length 515mm, width 317mm, height (front) 45mm, height (rear) 118mm.

The ErgoConsole offers several functionalities: For example, it is versatile as a template holder, reading and writing desk or notebook holder. Provides relief for your spine and consequently a healthier posture.

Developed and designed by Andreas Thaler

For many years Andreas Thaler has been dealing with the topic of “safety and health at work” and has thus been able to gain valuable and helpful experience for the development of the Ergoplult.

ErgoPult – in the latest screen regulation – AUVA M026

Everything in view
Your document is slightly elevated between the monitor and keyboard, allowing you to sit in a relaxed manner – improving your concentration and therefore your work performance. Proper sitting posture avoids headaches, eye pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, chest pain, numbness in fingers, arms and feet.

Why the ErgoConsole?
It promotes your health and increases performance and concentration. Especially today, the demands at the workplace are constantly increasing; therefore, pay attention to your health and safety!

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