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The development and design of ergonomic furniture requires expertise, creativity and, above all, a feel for people and their needs. Our ergonomics is not static ergonomics.

First and foremost, we take people into consideration in our developments. Our ergonomic solutions are designed to help and encourage more dynamic work processes. Because there is no best sitting posture. The best way to keep your back and muscles healthy is to exercise.

The ergonomics recommendation for sitting at a 90° angle is only for conventional chairs. This guideline would be absurd for a Leitner stool or Leitner swivel chair that is infinitely height adjustable.

Dynamic sitting and changing working postures

Our ergo furniture is made for the recommended frequent change of working postures between sitting, standing and moving. Especially the movable sitting/standing aids help to strengthen the musculature, ensure blood circulation to the intervertebral discs and train coordinative and motor skills.

Complementary to this, there are exercises on the rocking stool that you can use to bring a lot of movement into your everyday life. Active sitting combined with balancing exercises in between strengthens the muscles and thus leads to better posture.

  Ursula Gehnböck, practice for human energetics, has compiled some exercises on the rocking stool that can easily be integrated into the daily routine
Ursula Gehnböck, practice for human energetics, has compiled some exercises on the rocking stool that can easily be integrated into the daily routine
(click on the image to view the PDF with explanations)

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