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At home in the office or at home in the office? For many people, the boundaries between living and working are currently blurring more than usual. A separate room is not always available for the home office. So kitchen tables are converted, living rooms are redesigned and balconies suddenly mutate into outdoor offices. At the same time, we want to continue to use these spaces in our everyday lives and feel comfortable. Maneuverable and flexible seating that can be used by all family members is an optimal solution for this purpose, as it is a stylish addition to existing furnishings while ensuring an ergonomic seating posture.

Using LEITNER ergo furniture in everyday life (at the kitchen table)

Movement stools such as the LeitnerWipp or the LeitnerSpin are available in different designs and color variations and can thus be individually adapted to your living environment or used as an elegant contrast if required. Saddle shape or round seat, chrome column or classic black, the space-saving stools strengthen the back and are extremely flexible. They fit on any kitchen table and can be easily transported from A to B. The practical all-purpose seating furniture is also available in various base heights and is continuously height-adjustable. They combine wonderfully with other chairs and benches, perfectly expand any open kitchen-living room and are a great pleasure for even the smallest study. True all-round talents!

The kitchen table is transformed into a workplace with the LeitnerTwist swivel chair

Our rolling stools and swivel chairs also complement kitchen & co. perfectly. Whether peeling apples, studying recipes or reading e-mails – with the adaptable LeitnerHoc or the agile LeitnerTwist, flexibility at home is clearly redefined. In fact, with these chairs you will enjoy the classic freedom of movement of an office chair, but at the same time you will benefit from the slim design and the lightness that comes with it. Thanks to the specially shaped saddle seat, legroom is guaranteed and active-dynamic sitting is a matter of course. The elegant backrest of the LeitnerTwist also provides ideal support for the body without getting in the way. Distinctive solution expertise at its best!

LeitnerWipp motion stools fit perfectly into the living environment

So ergonomics for the home doesn’t have to be boring. Healthy sitting can happen incidentally, and with the right furniture, it simply becomes an active part of your day. This way, you continuously do something good for your body and feel good all around. When buying a piece of seating furniture, always consider the height at which you are most likely to use it and, if necessary, create alternative heights with table top desks so that you can also work while standing or sitting up. Our body loves variety – that’s exactly what we want to support you with. Please also read our blog post “Support for relaxed working in the home office”.

Tip: We offer washable slipcovers in many color variations. This way you protect your seating furniture from wear and tear and at the same time ensure that the seating surface is always clean.

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